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Truck Drivers Describe The Creepiest Things They've Ever Seen On The Road

an empty road in the middle of a foggy forest
an empty road in the middle of a foggy forest

CW: Graphic stories about accidents.

When you spend a lot of time on the road, you're bound to see some crazy or spooky things.

Truck drivers spend a lot of time on the road, and it seems like they've seen plenty of creepy things. The truck drivers of Reddit are ready to share those creepy sights and stories.

It all started when a Redditor asked:

"Truckers of reddit! What spooky things did you witness on the road?"


"my grandfather-in-law, who recently passed away, said back in the 70s, he saw a man get decapitated by some kind of heavy duty cable at a truck stop."

– _bakedgouda

Shouting Fire On A Street

"I was driving between Melbourne and Albury very late one night on the Hume Fwy. For the non-Aussies, that stretch of the Hume is very wide, flat, and straight, so it's boring and hypnotic, especially driving alone at night."

"It was the middle of summer, so I was surprised to see little wisps of fog whipping through my headlight beams, but then the smell of burning plastic hit my nose and I realised it was smoke. Up ahead, there was one other car on the road, and I could just see a tiny yellow light on the back, like a candle flame."

"Worried, I sped up to catch this guy, and by the time I reached him his entire muffler was on fire. I flashed my lights and honked my horn, trying to get his attention. Just as I drew up alongside him, I saw him turn to look at me, and then a HUGE gout of orange flame burst out from under the car and licked across his driver's side window."

"Needless to say, he pulled over in a big hurry and I pulled over about 50 metres ahead of him. I jumped out from behind the wheel and sprinted back to him to make sure he was out of the car and safe, then back to get my phone, and called emergency services while running back to him. It was less than a minute since he'd pulled over and the entire car was a fireball."

"I asked if he was okay, and he said yeah, but his phone and wallet were both still inside the car. I let him use my phone to make some calls and gave him all the cash in my wallet, which wasn't much at the time, and finally continued on my way once the firefighters and ambulance arrived."

"Let's just say I was WIDE awake for the rest of my drive."

– MCDexX

A Truck Driving Hero

"TL:DR Stopped to help a motorist with a possible flat, may have prevented a murder."

"I service fire equipment, so I drive a box truck, and cover parts of PA, NY, OH, MD, and WV. I was in rural NW PA, returning from a service call and heading towards the interstate to go home."

"On the way to this customer, I saw a small pickup truck on the interstate whose right rear tire was steadily deflating. A mile or so before my exit, they pulled off to the side. I didn't stop to see if they needed help, and felt a little bad about it."

"As I drove down this dark, twisty road, I passed a Dodge Durango pulled over into a barn driveway. There was a person lying on the ground behind it, struggling with something. It looked like the guy was trying to change a tire or get the spare out from under the Durango."

"Remembering the pickup from earlier, I decided to turn around and see if he needed help. I pulled into the first driveway I saw, about 1/4 mile down the road, turned around, and headed back. Halfway back, the Durango passed me, going the direction I had originally been headed."

"I got back to where I had seen the Durango, planning to turn around again, but as I swung into the driveway, my headlights caught a figure lying motionless in the snow."

"I stopped and jumped out just as the figure sat up. It was a woman, maybe in her 40s, in a thin, torn black skirt and top. Her hair was mussed, her eye was starting to swell, she had red marks on her throat, and her lip was bleeding."

"I helped her up, got her into my truck, and cranked up the heat. I had taken my jacket off, so I gave it to her, and she covered her torso and arms."

"She didn't want to say anything. Her throat was sore, and she was badly frightened. I called 911, and they dispatched a police car."

"I gave her a bottle of water, and she whispered, "Thank you", then sat with her head bowed and eyes closed. It took about 15 minutes for the police car to get there, and she stayed silent."

"As the car pulled in, she said, mostly to herself, "He's gonna arrest me." The trooper walked up and motioned me to exit, asked her if she needed an ambulance (she declined) then asked me what had happened."

"I explained what I had seen. He wrote everything down, then talked to her for a few minutes. He helped her out of the truck and into his car. She quietly thanked me for coming back, because she thought that guy meant to kill her."

"A far as I know, she wasn't arrested. She was pretty beat up, and the trooper spoke and handled her as if she were the victim of an assault. It was almost certainly a transaction that had gone badly."

"I never found out what had happened. I watched the news outlets for that area for a while, but never found anything."

– Jef_Wheaton

Put On Your Seatbelt

"A fresh solo traffic accident. the car was flipped upside down on its roof. the drivers head was halfway out to the neck, through the shattered front window. he did not have a seatbelt on."

– Divutski

"With a seatbelt you not only protect your life but also the mental well-being of others. No one should have to see something like this!"

– Deleted User

Never Found Out The Truth

"I used to travel for work doing construction. My boss was driving and I was passenger. were on our way back home from Tennessee to Illinois. Just leaving the mountains but still pretty much the middle of nowhere and we notice a couple dead deer on the road. These things are like... Exploded. My boss and I say something about "that sucks, a semi must have been hauling and clipped a herd". We get to the top of a hill and there are so many more dead exploded deer. Possibly hundreds. Definitely dozens. They didn't look like they got hit by a semi. They looked like they had sticks of dynamite put into them and lit off."

"Semi trucks had definitely been driving through because we didn't have to dodge any of them. And we were driving our big work truck and trailer so if we had to crush a couple it was no big deal. It went on for more than half a mile. Maybe up to a mile and a half."

"My boss had been on the road a lot more years than I had. I asked him "what the hell was that?" And he seemed just as lost as me. Said "I have no f*cking idea and I'm not stopping to find out. That sh*t didn't make any sense.""

– kickaguard

Migrating Tarantulas

"My mom is a trucker, this is her story."

"She was driving through Arizona when she saw what she thought was leaves blowing across the road in the distance. This puzzled her since there's mostly pine trees in northern Arizona. When she finally got to the "leaves" she realized that they were migrating tarantulas, 1000s of them. There were so many of them that her truck was sliding on their guts so she had to slow down. She stopped at the first truck stop and told her co-driver to fuel up (he was sleeping at the time) because she wasn't going to step foot outside after what she just saw. Her co-driver was pissed since it was technically his time off, and he thought she was crazy, until he saw the tarantula guts and legs caked in the inside wheel well of the truck."

– digitalmarketeramil

Last Words

"She also outran a tornado in the midwest. She was about to pull over and take cover until she saw another big rig that was parked on the side of the road get tossed a couple hundred yards like a toy. She called me and told me that she thought she was going to die and wanted her last words to be "I love you" to me. She pulled off the freeway and got to a Wal-Mart, where she ran into the basement where all the staff and customers were taking shelter. After the tornado passed, they stepped out of the basement and into daylight, since the Wal Mart was destroyed."

"She has many many stories like this. Trucking is 90% boredom, 10% insane sh*t like this."

– digitalmarketeramil

The Dog-Man

"A trucker I know claims he was driving a logging truck down a remote dirt road in the middle of a forest at around midnight when a "dog-man creature" walked out in the middle of the road. It stared at him for a few seconds plainly visible and well illuminated by all the auxiliary lights on the truck, then it just took off and disappeared into the woods on the other side of the road."

"He's not a superstitious man and he rejects everything supernatural as fiction, but he 100% believes that what he saw that night was real. I've only heard him talk about this twice, he was very drunk both times he opened up about it. Just talking about it rattled him, he was clearly uncomfortable thinking back about that night."

– Kitten-Eater

Truly Tragic

"This happened in Chennai, India. Was driving back into the city on the two-lane coastal highway with a few of my friends. Most of the highway has no streetlights, just reflectors. Around on of the bends, my friend who was driving slammed on his brakes. This was just after sunset."

"At first, all we could see were two motorbikes on their sides, little debris from them scattered around. It was only when we got closer that we saw three guys laying down awkwardly."

"Turns out, the bikes were heading in opposite directions at high speeds, lost control and slammed head-on. The riders of one of the vehicles wasn’t wearing his helmet, and his face was smashed. We could hear his shallow gasps for air, but he was definitely a goner."

– dontdieinthesky

Definitely Ghosts

"When I was a kid my mother was driving at night with my step-dad in the passenger seat and us three kids in the back."

"Apparently (I learned about it later as I was asleep) what happened was my mother and father both saw, flitting across the road from one side to the other, two glowing silhouettes of what looked like two little girls holding hands. My mother said, picture a silhouette, only instead of featureless black this was featureless bright yellow/white, in the perfect shape of two little girls holding hands and moving across the road in their headlights."

"They saw them for so long that my step-dad was able to process the scene and sternly tell my mother not to steer suddenly, just to brake and not to attempt any huge steering movement."

"The forms reached the side of the road and faded away; our car slowed but didn't stop, and my parents continued their journey."

"When they related their encounter to my grandparents, whom we were visiting, they said that two young girls had been killed in a traffic accident on that same road."

– MagicSPA

That last one is the scariest in my mind!

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