There's nothing more epic than a child with low self-esteem getting validated by world-renowned music icon Beyoncé.
A dad named Scott Campbell went viral on social media for his touching anecdote about how the Grammy-winning artist helped his young daughter overcome her insecurities after she was being bullied at school because of her appearance.
Campbell said that his daughter Nova, who was in the first or second grade at the time, had a "rainbow" of different hair colors with all different hair styles.
One day, Nova looked really bummed after coming home from school, and he asked what was wrong.
"I hate my hair. I hate the way I look," she replied, which broke his heart because all he could see was how beautiful and amazing she was to him.
Apparently, some of Nova's "straight-haired" classmates told her she couldn't be a princess and play in their "princess game" because she had "crazy hair," and that having straight hair was part of the rules for participating.
Campbell was at a loss on how to console his daughter until a thought came to him.
Out of desperation, he decided to call up his friend Brandon, who had worked closely with Beyoncé and her husband, rapper Jay-Z, for years, and asked if he could somehow get Queen Bey to make a short recording to convince his daughter that "Crazy hair is cool," or something similar, "cuz I can only tell my daughter she's beautiful so many times…and it doesn't sink in."
Although he said Brandon was "sweet" about it and tried, he was unable to come through, likely due to the singer's extremely busy schedule.
He could never see the sweet surprise that was in store ahead.
Cut to 2020 when the pandemic happened and health measures were implemented to prevent the spread of COVID-19, Campbell had to take Nova to the dentist for a regular appointment.
Nova had just received a $5 bill from the Tooth Fairy after losing her first tooth, and she was clutching it while waiting in the dental office waiting room with her "red hair going in all directions." She was excited because she couldn't wait to show the dentist that she received a visit from the Tooth Fairy.
Campbell remarked that a woman had just come out of one of the rooms with her daughter, and when she noticed Nova's hair, the woman paid her a compliment and struck up a conversation with her about the $5 and the Tooth Fairy.
During their interaction, the dad chatted with the mom's kid too, who explained it was her first dentist visit and how she felt brave. The dad told her, "Good for you" for her courage, and at one point, he looked back at the mom who looked really familiar, but he couldn't place her since everyone in the room was wearing masks.
After wracking his brain, it finally hit him.
Campbell casually mentioned to the mom—who we know by now was Beyoncé—that she worked with his friend Brandon. Campbell introduced her to Nova, to which the singer said, "Oh, it's so nice to meet you!"
They chatted a bit more until it was time for Beyoncé and her daughter to leave.
Afterward, Campbell asked Nova if she knew who that person was, and when she had no idea, Campbell disclosed the surprise info.
Shocked, Nova said, "I just talked to Beyoncé for like ten minutes?"
The video concluded with Campbell noting, "And the first thing Beyoncé said to my daughter was 'I love your hair.'"
The universe sure has a funny way of fulfilling wishes.
Even though Nova may not have "qualified" to play in that princess game so long ago, she just won big time for just being herself.