When moving into a new home, one never knows what their relationship with their neighbors is going to be.
Some neighbors immediately become fast friends and visit each other every day.
Some aren't necessarily on bad terms, but seldom exchange two words with one another, despite living right next door to one another.
Then there are those who wish their neighbors were quite literally anyone else, feeling they have been saddled with "the crazy neighbor".
Crazy isn't always a bad thing however, as in some cases they simply notice their neighbors partaking in activities they never would themselves, similar to Home Improvement's Wilson W. Wilson Jr.
Some "crazy" neighbors aren't as easy to warm to, however, sometimes going so far as to declare war between houses, often owing to one minor, insignificant detail.
Be they friend or foe, however, one can almost always tell whether or not they're living next to a crazy neighbor in one revelatory moment.
A recent Redditor was curious to hear the very moment when people realized they were living next door or across the street from a "crazy neighbor", leading them to ask:
"What does your crazy neighbor do to be labelled 'the crazy neighbor'?"
A Stickler For The Rules
"Threatened to put giant signs across the wooded border between our properties if my OTHER neighbor got into another border dispute with him."
"This was after stopping my excavator from doing his job, finished grading the lot so we could plant grass, and threatening him if he got over the property line."
"He was 50 feet away from it and not taking down any trees."
"He finished his rant and left without ever introducing himself."
"When he’s not complaining to the cops about my neighbor, he’s doing everything legally possible to annoy the cops themselves."- Vizzini_CD
Did She Think They Wouldn't Notice?
"She dug up my fancy flowers and replanted them in her own yard, 15 feet away."- lalalimabean
My House, My Rules!
"He was hopping my fence during the day when I was gone at work to use my backyard pool."
"When confronted, thanks to a snitch neighbor, he claimed he had an agreement with the previous tenant that he could use the pool whenever he wanted."
"Guess what?"
"I'm not that tenant."
"I have a bunch of security cameras now."- Linux4ever_Leo
Before You Rush To Place Blame...
"I had a neighbor who would sneak into my yard at night and roll up my sod."
"It would be laid perfectly the night before, but I'd get up in the morning and it would be rolled up just like it was when it came from the store."
"I finally got pissed and spent the night laying by my back door with a baseball bat and a flashlight, ready to bonk the crap out of whoever it was."
"Sure enough, they came around two in the morning, and I stood up, turned the light on, and was face-to-face with four raccoons rolling up my sod, looking for bugs."- ratrancid
Neat Freak?
"Had a neighbor who wouldn’t let anyone use his driveway because he didn’t want it to get dirty."
"Anyone including himself."
"He parked on the street outside."
"If he thought you were having a party he would drag a bunch of plastic bags full of god knows what to the end of his driveway so no one could turn around it."
"One time I came home and he was outside hosing it down in the rain."
"To his credit, I’ve never seen a cleaner driveway."- StretchDude
Some People Love Hand-Me-Downs...
"Used to live in a little town of 300 people where we had an elderly neighbor named Gladys."
"She would routinely look near our garbage can outside and take the recyclable bottles and cans we would leave for her."
"After we cleaned out a fish tank, we put the gravel and fake plants in a bag and left it on top of the garbage can because it was already full."
"About a week later, Gladys hollered at me while I was outside to come over as she wanted to show me something."
"She had taken that bag we had left and planted the fake plants along the side of her house."
"She said she wasn’t real confident that they would make it but so far they seemed to be thriving! "
"I could only nod and compliment her on her green thumb."- skinvixen
Well, This Is Just Illegal
"She has a penchant for going around sticking nails in people's tires at night."
"This has happened dozens of times to nearly everyone on the street, though she's slowed down since more people started installing video cams and motion-sensor lights in their driveways."- Dahhhkness
If You Can't Beat Them, Join Them!
"He eats my flowers."
"In his defense, he told us that he has been doing it for years when he introduced himself after we bought the house."
"He also brought over frozen cookies in a plastic bag, as a housewarming gift, but wasn't sure what was in them."
"We share a side yard and he is a really great neighbor."
"Just an older, quiet guy, who keeps to himself and eats my flowers."
"Comes over to my yard, and eats the lilies raw, or brings scissors and clips the heads to 'boil and make jam'."
"I thought that his particular foraging was interesting and quirky, so I planted a couple raspberry, blackberry, and blueberry bushes 3 years ago, when we first moved in, on the side yard we share."
"I told him to help himself to berries anytime, especially before the birds do."
"The bushes have all gone insane and the entire side of my house is now a summer berry haven for us to share."
"Having a decent relationship with the guy I share a property line with, is worth some deadheaded flowers."- TraumaSparrow
Sometimes Moving Is The Best Decision...
"We had one a while back that had a meth lab in the home."
"Crazy fights, yelling at all hours of the night,, dude would wander around the hood tweaked out crazy, and once he threw a Molotov cocktail out of the 2nd floor window at another dude who was smashing up his car, screaming, 'I'll f*cking kill you, motherf*cker!'"
"Those were interesting times."- MerMadeMeDoIt
Some people are defined by their eccentricities, and as a result the best thing we can do is embrace them for who they are.
Though, if your neighbor's behave in a way which results in damage to your property, or puts you in physical danger, probably best to call the police.