I've traveled quite a bit throughout the continental United States. My international travel is a bit more limited, restricted to Mexico, Canada, Germany and Japan.
I've only had a few unpleasant experiences and they all involve crossing the border between the United States and Canada.
The people I met in each country were wonderful and welcoming, despite my limited grasp of their language.
Reddit user anthead1738 asked:
"Which country that you've visited has the nicest people?"
Malaysian Borneo
"Malaysian Borneo. Walking from the hotel into town on our first day, two people on a moped slowed down, lifted their helmet visors and gave us a big wave and a smile and a hello."
"'Here we go,' I thought 'only been here five minutes and already it's go time', but then they pulled their visors back down and went about their day. They literally just wanted to say hi."
"Later, a troupe of monkeys wanted to fight us, though, so there's that..."
~ behemuffin
"Malaysian Borneo is a really underrated destination."
"It was one of my favorite places I’ve visited in the last ten years. I had one of the best meals of my life in Kuching."
~ NecessaryJudgment5
"Botswana. Everyone we met was super nice and chatty, but not in a I wanna take advantage of you kinda way."
"An example was, we ordered some street food, then got invited to join a group of locals at a table."
~ flpacsnr
"I wonder if that’s more a cause or effect of the fact that Botswana is one of if not the most stable and functioning African countries?"
~ Nothos927
"So happy to see Botswana with the most upvotes!!"
"I lived there for awhile and can say that the Batswana people are truly the friendliest, most welcoming people. Pula!"
~ borkedmyself
Atlantic Canada
"I know Newfoundland isn’t a country but they’re the nicest people in the world."
~ lennydsat62
"Coming from Canada’s east coast, I have to agree; all the Maritime provinces—New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, plus Newfoundland and Labrador—tend to be super friendly because we’re all so bored of seeing the same 10 people every day, so talking to someone new is exciting."
~ CampVlad
"I was just on an elevator in Nova Scotia with an older man in a wheelchair who had both legs amputated. He was cracking jokes to everyone who got on the elevator, and it turned into an adorable little impromptu elevator party."
"In a hospital. It was so freaking awesome."
~ tiny_rick_tr
"Every one on Madagascar was so so nice to me and my family."
~ drpepper1992
"I lived in Madagascar for half a year, and everyone was very warm and kind."
~ NickFegley
"Scotland. A woman helped my mother and my niece find a bathroom like 5 blocks away."
"Another time, I was lost with my girlfriend in the airport with my golf bag looking for the oversized bag drop. A man—I sh*t you not, who looked and acted like Michael Caine—from across this big terminal was sitting at a table reading the newspaper."
"He looked up and peered over his spectacles and raised his hand, 'Pardon me sir! Outboard luggage?'."
I responded, 'Excuse me?'."
"'Outboard luggage? Is that what you’re looking for?' I finally realize that sounds like a European interpretation that’s close enough to oversize luggage."
"'Oh. Yes!'."
"It’s right that way, sir, to the right'."
"Thank you!'."
"Scotland was seriously the kindest place ever."
~ kaduceus
"Me and my dad used to get the ferry from Belfast to Scotland and hitch hike to Liverpool when I was a kid. One time we made it as far as Lockerbie when it was getting late so we went to a BnB in the village."
"There was one fast food establishment in the village, and they had just closed when we arrived at the BnB. The BnB staff called the owner of the pizza place and told him they had some guests from Ireland, and he went back and opened it again just for us."
~ Baldbag
"Malaysia, everyone was polite and helpful. I didn't get harassed (single female traveller). It seemed like a very gentle smart society, welcoming and curious to speak to me."
"I went to KL and Penang, sure there must be some elements that aren't great but for me was my best experience abroad."
~ InternationalFold467
"They are so chill and happy people. I feel South East Asia has the chillest and most happiest people in the world."
"Malaysia is also for me the kindest people in the world."
~ imik4991
"I found the same. I was actually a little sad that it took me a couple of weeks to adjust to actually just smiling at people."
"A smile is just a smile. No one wanted anything. It’s just a friendly place. How refreshing."
~ KitsyC
"Kyrgyzstan. Everyone went out of their way to be incredibly kind and welcoming. I also felt incredibly safe everywhere I went regardless of time of day."
"Nothing but good things to say about Kyrgyzstan!"
~ cometothinkofitgirl
"My father went there and he came home with lots of gifts!"
"Delicious honey, some handcrafted goods. People are extremely friendly, it’s so nice."
New Zealand
"New Zealand. I still remember my flight to New Zealand where a kid was handing out lollies instead of the flight attendant."
"Then you get to New Zealand and half the people aren’t wearing shoes, everyone is very relaxed and easy going, absolutely loved it!"
~ Lingonberry_Born
"Everyone is shocked by the no shoes thing but it makes a lot of sense. Once you embrace being a little bit feral, it's hard to go back to being uncomfortable."
"I think it helps with 'grounding' as well which is probably why we're so relaxed as a country."
~ jrf92
"Ireland! Drove around the Irish countryside, went into a tiny pub that was packed to the point of claustrophobia."
"The bar guy takes one look at my boyfriend (very tall, burly, ginger with a beard) and yelled, 'Get out! There can be only one of us in the bar and that’s me today!' Then he laughed like a crazy person, banged my boyfriend on the shoulder and asked where we wanted to sit."
"They did look like brothers. My poor boyfriend isn’t great at English, so he didn’t catch any of it."
"I was too stunned to speak and then could not stop laughing. After I explained it, he laughed and told the guy, 'I’m sorry! But I need beer!' Best of friends immediately."
"Also the stew was amazing. Pub was Roadford, Doolin, McDermotts Pub. Lovely, lovely place!"
~ flaggingpolly
"I did my first big solo trip to Ireland and it was really a great place to start out. So welcoming and hospitable!"
~ panicototale
"Iran's hospitality game is top-notch and quite genuine."
~ Coastalfoxes
"Iranians wil legit insist that you sleep in THEIR bed for the night to ensure you're comfortable."
"It's called ta'arof! My friend's dad is from Iran and he usually gets away with being the nicest guy in the room because we all just accept it.
"Thing is, she tells me when he's with his Iranian buddies ta'arof is more like a sport to see who can get away with being the biggest gentleman."
"I liken it to when my grandfather and his best friend would have big arguments over who got to pay the bill at the end of dinner."
~ MagicCuboid
"A friend of mine went on a holiday skiing in Iran (I didn't even know that was possible) and he came back ranting about how extremely friendly everyone was."
"I have later watched YouTuber Itchyboots drive her motorcycle through the country and everywhere local people are just amazing."
"A country might have sh*tty leadership, but that does not mean the people are. Strange to add this, but I think this probably will apply to the USA in the coming years."
~ Foxtrot-Uniform-Too
- YouTubeyoutu.be
Costa Rica
"Costa Rica for sure. I got completely lost/stranded in the countryside (twice) and was cared for by the kindest, gentle people ever—still think about them 24 years later!"
~ Apostasyisfreedom
"I’ve been in San Jose for work for the last two weeks and I absolutely agree. Everyone is so friendly and warm!"
~ lautmalerei
"100%. I spent two weeks there on a volunteer vacation and we got to stay in a small rainforest village."
"Every meal, we would get to visit another family's home and we were always welcomed with open arms and food and smiles—sometimes with music! The people there were so incredibly lovely."
"This was over 16 years ago now and I still think back on it with so much fondness. I'd love to go back and see them all again!"
~ AurynW
"Really surprised nobody has said the Philippines—the absolute nicest, kindest, most generous people I have met."
~ nicearthur32
"I'm here right now in Cebu, first time in country and people are so super kind."
"Huge smiles, they can't do enough for you. Hosting, sharing food, humility, respect....classy and down to earth."
"A beautiful nation.
~ KeefsCornerShop
- YouTubeyoutu.be
"Thailand hands down. I took public transportation once and missed the station, a very kind Thai lady helped me resolve the situation."
~ Stardust-1
"I went to Asia last year for almost a month. When I went to Thailand, I felt a big difference."
"Thai people were hands down so friendly and warm. They were chatty, and they even approach first and strike conversation/greetings."
"I enjoyed my stay there."
~ autumn-b
"Mexico! 🇲🇽 They know how to treat Canadians. Viva Mexico!"
~ Fun_Apartment7028
"People were so nice to me in Mexico."
"Everyone was patient as I stumbled through my very-beginner Spanish; many took the time to help me learn a little bit about useful things to say in the context we were in and were so happy to see me trying it out."
"A few said they knew enough English that we could switch, but they understood if I wanted to still speak Spanish to practice it."
~ hellocousinlarry
"Colombia! 🇨🇴 Was so surprised and impressed by the country and the warmth and generosity of the people."
~ Significant_Swan1550
"Met some random Colombians at a national park in Cartagena, and they invited us to stay at their place when we were headed to Bogota. Then the next day, we met some random woman that invited us to stay with her for when we would be in Kali."
"We accepted both times and both times were shown around the city."
"We even ended up at the vacation home of a friend of the serving lady. It was pretty crazy."
~ NotSureBot
What countries would you add to the list?