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Conservatives Predictably Lose It Over Buffalo Bills Sponsoring Gay Flag Football Team

After it was announced that the Buffalo Bills are sponsoring a new local chapter of the National Gay Flag Football League, homophobic conservatives are suddenly up in arms—despite the league having been around for decades.

Newsmax's Rob Schmidt during a rant about Buffalo Bills' sponsorship of a gay flag footbacll league.

The Buffalo Bills football team faced conservative backlash this week after announcing their sponsorship of a gay flag football league.

The NFL team revealed in a press statement on Tuesday that they are sponsoring a chapter of the National Gay Flag Football League (NGFFL). The announcement described the sponsorship as a "game changer for bringing LGBTQ+ organized football to Buffalo" and an opportunity to make the league "even more inclusive."

Founded in 2002, the league aims to "foster and cultivate the self-respect of all LGBTQ+ people and promote respect, acceptance, and understanding from the larger community," according to its website. With support from several football teams already, the new sponsorship could bring a team to Buffalo.

Buffalo Bills Vice President of Community Impact Michelle Roberts expressed excitement about the sponsorship in a statement:

“We are excited to join the NFL and other clubs across the league in their support of the NGFFL. Through our sponsorship, we are looking forward to expanding the impact of the NGFFL in our community.”

But angry conservatives were not happy about the news, which comes as Republicans around the country continue to push anti-LGBTQ+ legislation and complain about Pride Month.

Television anchor Sage Steele was clearly annoyed by the news, writing the following on X, formerly Twitter:

Soooo…does this mean straight guys are allowed to play in the NGFL? Kinda like how gay guys are allowed to play in the NFL…and have been for YEARS….."
"The marketing strategy for this league will be fascinating. Can’t wait to watch the commercials.”

You can see her post below.

Newsmax anchor Rob Schmitt joined the chorus, saying the sponsorship is the type of news that would drive him to leave the country:

“And finally, when you thought you could escape all the Pride Month propaganda by watching football, apparently not. The Buffalo Bills is the latest NFL franchise supporting a new National. Gay. Flag. Football League! What?!” ...
“I, I, I, literally just asked the producers. I was like, ‘Are we sure that this isn’t some kind of fake story from the Babylon Bee?’ There is a National Gay Flag Football League now. Why? Why, is the question I ask so often in this country.”
"I need to go find my own country."

You can hear what he said in the video below.

Others were similarly angered by the news.

But others moved swiftly to mock the conservative backlash.

Conservatives have been known to get themselves into a tizzy over anything LGBTQ+—including earlier this month when many went viral after melting down over a picture of a rainbow-colored mayonnaise allegedly released to commemorate Pride Month.

An X user shared the photograph in question, allegedly showing them holding the rainbow-colored product, which is called "Real Gayo." The bottle includes text describing the product as “Smooth & Sassy." It also encourages consumers to “Add Pride To Your Next BLT.” There's even a disclaimer stating the "Gayo" is made with “Bonus Trans Fat” as well as “Closet Free Eggs.”

The image isn't real, however. It was created in 2022 by an X user who uses the moniker @PhotographDr who published a tweet showing the original image of Kraft mayonnaise they edited to create the "Real Gayo."

In an interview with The Daily Dot, @PhotographDr said the altered image has been shared many times in the last couple of years but that a watermark showing their Instagram handle has been removed each time.

They also expressed concern that “some people are purposefully trying to stir up hateful comments at the LGBTQ+ community's expense by resharing it.”