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Right-Wing Pollster Now Shows Kamala Harris Ahead—And Conservatives Are Losing It

Kamala Harris; Rasmussen Reports poll results September 3, 2024
Christian Monterrosa/AFP via Getty Images; Rasmussen Reports

After Kamala Harris inched ahead in Rasmussen Reports' daily tracking poll, Trump fans were not happy.

In the MAGAverse, there are certain information sources they can rely on to not criticize former Republican President and convicted felon Donald Trump and to support and perpetuate his "alternative facts."

Among them are media outlets like Newsmax and RSBN and OAN, Fox News personalities like Laura Ingraham and Jesse Watters, and talking heads like Charlie Kirk and Ben Shapiro.

Among pollsters, the only MAGA safe space has been Rasmussen Reports.

During the Trump presidency, Rasmussen was the only polling organization to ever record the 45th President achieving an approval rating at or above 50%.

But now the MAGAsphere is feeling betrayed.

On Monday evening—Labor Day in the United States—Rasmussen Reports shared the results of their daily tracker on the 2024 presidential contest between Vice President Kamala Harris and Trump.

Instead of the results MAGA minions expected, Vice President Harris had climbed one point ahead of Trump.

As expected, the Trump faithful immediately cried foul.

Many vented their frustration directly to Rasmussen Reports.

But not everyone disagreed with Rasmussen's numbers.

Some conservatives felt Trump himself was tanking his popularity.

While Republican never-Trumpers were happy to say "told ya' so."

Others pointed out who has gone from red (Republican) to blue (Democratic).

And who went from blue to red.

Who wants to tell them Harris is now up two days in a row?

Get ready for some ketchup stains on the walls of Mar-a-Lago.

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