Everyone enjoys being complimented.
Merely being told that someone likes your outfit, or that your hair looks good is enough to keep you happy for the rest of your day.
Even when we know they're not being 100% honest, such as saying they loved our tuna casserole that was clearly burnt to a crisp, that they would make an effort not to hurt our feelings is touching in and of itself.
Of course, some compliments go beyond simply making us feel happy or loved at that moment.
Sometimes, someone might tell us something that can be that lingering happy memory guaranteed to pick us up when we couldn't feel more down.
Redditor theviewhalfwaydown_ was eager to hear the most memorable compliments people have ever been given, leading them to ask:
"What’s a compliment you’ve received that really stuck with you?'
Safety First
"You make me feel safe."- Chaos_in_Sync
As Long As She Was Speaking Metaphorically
"Chatting with a new hairstylist and it was one of those rare instances when you just click and skip boring small talk."
"She said, 'I feel so lucky to have met you'."
"'You have such a colorful brain!'”- Final_Ad_2716
At Then End Of The Day, All Anyone Really Wants
"You make me feel wanted."- ZarieRose
Guaranteed To Make You Smile
"The dentist said my gums are healthy."
"That one really stuck with me."- new-use-here
No Doubt "Carried" It With Them For The Rest Of The Day...
"Someone I barely knew once told me, 'You carry yourself well'."
"And I wasn't 100% sure how to take it, but I definitely appreciated it."- PandaPal3000
You Never Know Who You Can Trust
"A drunk girl came up to me in the club and said: 'could you please hold my purse while I use the toilet?'"
"'I feel like I can trust you'."
"The toilets were gross, and she was really drunk."
"I've never seen this girl before in my life."
"And yes, she was right."
"And I love that someone noticed."
"Most people tell me I look like I'll fight anybody, but im a lover not a fighter."
"So that was nice to hear for a change."- Ongeschikt11
Do You Trust Me Jack Dawson GIF by TitanicGiphy
Mom And Dad Can Rest Easy!
"‘I always have soooo much fun with you’."
"From one of the kids I babysit."- miz_moon
Attention To Detail
"It wasn't really a compliment, but I was talking to the girl I like, and she just stared at me for a minute before saying 'your nose moves up and down when you talk. '"
"And her noticing that tiny detail about me was better than any compliment ive ever gotten."
"It made me feel very seen."- only_mostly_sane
Goddess Of Love!!!
"'You are a red headed aphrodite'."
"For record, I am a plus size woman and wasn't feeling very confident... Lol."- Ecovarru90
Red Hair Love GIFGiphy
And Proud Of It!
"You're ruthless"
"It was meant as an insult, but it made me happy because I'm small, soft spoken, and tend to keep to myself, so people misjudge me and assume I'm really nice and gentle and I'm not really like that, people say, 'Don't confuse my kindness for weakness, I'll choke you with the same hand I fed you with'."
"I'm like."
"'Don't confuse my weakness for kindness, I won't feed you in the first place'."- RaspberryRootbeer
Role Models Come In Many Forms
"When my brother said he's always looked up to me."
"As [a neurodivergent person], I'd always looked up to him, since whenever my [neurodivergent] brain got confused about something the regular people in the world were doing, he's always been able to explain and make sense of things for me."
"I guess he probably looks up to me because so far I'm the only one of us three brothers to actually get a job and learn to eat normal healthy food."- Cosmic_Meditator777
Pedro Pascal Hug GIF by HBOGiphy
The Eye Of The Beholder...
"'You're....... like........ so sexy'" from an absolute honey I met in the pub."
"I think it was the way she said it."
"The italic bit she blurted out in a nervous kind of way that made it feel legitimate."
"I have never really considered myself a sexy man but now I'm striding around like Billy Big Bollocks."- Tammy21212
Bewitched Much?
“'You’re like some kind of beautiful witch'."
"It’s the only one I’ve ever cared about."- I_am_julies_piano
Reputation Precedes You!
“'Oh, so he’s the angelic guy you were speaking about!'”
"Completely undeserved, but kinda stuck with me'."- Parmareggie
Bad Boy Angel GIF by Robert E BlackmonGiphy
A little affirmation is all anyone needs to go through the day with a smile on their face.
Perhaps the best outcome of receiving a truly wonderful compliment?
It might encourage those who receive them to give more compliments to others...