A bunch of celebrities including Drake, Sam Smith and the Jonas Brothers have taken part in the viral FaceApp challenge. The mobile phone app takes a picture of a user's face before showing them what they could look like as they age.
Everyone has been posting their pictures on Instagram using a filter that adds wrinkles and grey hairs to selfies, generating a realistic-looking image. Celebrities have shared their results on social media.
Drake offered fans tickets to his music festival for the best picture caption on his post.
The Jonas Brothers' official Instagram account shared a picture of Kevin, Joe and Nick as old men, and referencing a Busted song the band covered, wrote: “When you take a trip to the Year 3000."
British singer Smith posted a selfie, writing: “Grandpa or Grandma? I'Il take both #batch."
Lil Nas X, currently riding high in the singles charts with his viral hit Old Town Road, shared his aged-up selfie.
“Feeling cute might delete later," he captioned it.
“Last couple of weeks have really taken a toll on me," Scooter Braun wrote, referencing his recent controversial argument with Taylor Swift.