Captain Marvel, Marvel's first female-driven superhero movie, made over a billion dollars at the box office.
So they definitely got something right.
That didn't stop misogynist trolls from tearing down the film online, however.
You can see the trailer for Captain Marvel here.
Marvel Studios' Captain Marvel - Trailer
So what's wrong with it?
Over nine months after the film's release, some comic book "fans" are still complaining that Carol Danvers (Brie Larson's character in the film) wasn't sexy enough.
The tweet was quickly highlighted by Twitter user @valsreactor, who tore it down for its misogynistic message.
Many others couldn't help but point out the "Captain Marvel" of this man's dreams...wasn't really Captain Marvel at all.
Also, lots of Twitter users thought Brie Larson's Captain looked pretty darn good even though her outfit wasn't overly revealing.
It's important to remember that women don't appear onscreen for the sexual satisfaction of men.
Our culture's undercurrent of misogyny is real and pervasive.
Maybe next time these whiny fanboys should go see a Ms Marvel movie instead.
Fortunately, Captain Marvel's fans have her back whenever she's not around to defend herself.
You can get Captain Marvel here.