Joe Biden has been elected the next President of the United States and Democrats everywhere are celebrating the upcoming end of the Trump era.
On Twitter, first lady-elect Dr. Jill Biden posted a photo of herself and Joe celebrating the win by covering up the "Vice" in front of "Vice President Biden."
Eagle-eyed observers, however, also noticed that President-elect Biden was wearing a hat intended to troll Donald Trump.
Likely in response to Trump's infamous "Make America Great Again" hats, Biden wore a hat that simply read:
"We Just Did."
Twitter, always a fan of subtle shade, went gaga for the hat.
It was good to know Joe Biden can troll with the best of them when the mood strikes him.
Many people were eager to buy their own matching hats!
It seems Joe Biden has had the last word when it comes to President Trump's blustering.
The hats are available for purchase at the Biden campaign's website!
It seems the prophecy laid out by President Trump's ubiquitous red hats has finally come true. And all it took was electing a new president!