Cats are fascinating creatures.
Obligate carnivores, it's a tiny predator in your home.
But cats aren't for everyone.
People should make an informed decision before inviting one of these tiny tigers into their home.
Redditor lostinlovely asked:
"What should someone know before getting a cat?"
Oh, Snap(shot)
"Make sure you have a lot of room on your phone for photos."
- Kregerm
Wild Child
"Most kittens are wild! No matter what."
"If you want a docile cat, adopt an older one."
"They calm down but you can't expect a baby to be that way."
- Head_Dull
Sleep Deprivation
"Be ready to wake up frantic, thinking someone broke in to find out it’s only your cat having a spaz attack."
"Also, get ready to have its butthole in your face. My cat likes to try and sit on our chest with his rear end in our face."
- JUG9209
"Bed? Theirs."
"Your keyboard? Theirs."
"Any empty cardboard boxes? Theirs."
"Shelves? Theirs."
"Your will? Theirs."
- yParticle
"One mistake I see inexperienced new cat owners make is they try to 'play' with the cat like with a dog. Tease it, get in their faces with toys, overstimulate it."
"Cats are wonderful companions. You just have to let them choose when and how they will interact with you."
"Be a little gentle with them. Talk sweet. Get to know them and what they like."
- cicalino
"Cats like their litter box to be cleaned out often otherwise they'll be petty and pee on any clothes you have laying around, shoes, blankets, etc..."
"Keep their litter box clean or you'll pay!!"
"It'll keep your house from smelling like a litter box in the long run anyway."
- AnnieBanannie1004
A for Effort
"They respond to effort. They won’t love you unconditionally like a dog will."
"A cat that is given time, patience, good care, and socializing will almost always warm up to their people and become affectionate.
"It just requires more work to earn that affection than a dog. You get out of a pet cat what you put into it."
- HicSuntStulti
Play Time
"They need way more activity then a lot of people think."
"Sure they mostly lay around, but they need activity and play everyday to be happy!"
- Fritzkreig
Being owned by a cat can be the best decision you've ever made, as long as you go in prepared.
Cats are not fluffy dogs.
But if that aloof, smart, independent energy suits you, adopt yourself out to a cat.