Epiphanies are tough to come by. Sometimes we need a wiser person to just come right out with it and slap us in the face with some straight truth about life and the world.
Therapists, great uncles, teachers, television show characters, and even parents all may be the one spewing the wisdom.
Unfortunately, hearing the advice is usually only 25% of the battle. Actually listening to the message and incorporating that wisdom into the way you lead your life is really where the rubber meets the road.
Take note of some Redditors dropping some life knowledge that they heard once upon a time. Maybe one of these will save you some trouble.
thicluna asked, "What's the best piece of life advice you've ever heard?"
Be Here Now
"Don't borrow fear from the future." -- Mrstpaul
"I don't borrow it, I copy&paste it, it's still gonna be there in the future." -- mikrodizels
"And quit hoping for a better past!" -- Snoo11600
Up to You
"Being alone isn't the same as being lonely" -- Gosenco
"absolutely. solitude is an important part of life" -- ashritaebc
"It works the other way around too. Just because I'm around people all the time that doesn't mean I don't feel lonely." -- RMPY96
We're Not in a Vacuum
"'True character can be observed by what someone does when they think no one is watching.'"
"It made me a more honest person, and it definitely helped me become more comfortable just being me."
Each Has It's Place
"Find 3 hobbies. One that makes you money, one that keeps your mind sharp/creative, and one that keeps your body in shape." -- ConsultantForLife
"What if your hobby does all 3?" -- EasternCoffeeCove
"Then you still need two sucky hobbies to make the full set" -- potentialprimary
Confrontation Has Its Place
"Stand up for yourself!! Even if it may seem socially rude to do. If you aren't comfortable, make it known."
"You don't have to intentionally be rude or obnoxious about it, but seriously. Don't let yourself be walked over."
"Something I have had to learn and get comfortable with. It has greatly improved my experiences with people."
-- -keewee_
A Pragmatic Kind of Wisdom
"Always pay for good quality when it comes to anything that's getting between you and the ground. Shoes, tires, mattresses, don't skimp and get the cheap options for things like that." -- Al_Rascala
"Yep, buy once, cry once." -- SnooHabits8041
Keep Your Head Down
"Do not shy away from pain or discomfort when trying to improve your life. Self-improvement is supposed to hurt, for thou art both the sculptor, and the stone." -- Beovulfr
"Can confirm, only by facing the pain I experienced and changing my perspective of what this means for me was I able to grow. And it was rapid growth." -- Healthem
Logic Doesn't Always Prevail
"'It's possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not weakness. That is life.' —Captain Jean-Luc Picard" -- -eDgAR-
"I didn't even realize it was a Star Trek quote. I thought I made it up myself." -- With_Trees
Luck, But in Your Hands
"Luck is when preparedness meets opportunity" -- mATT55551
"Now this is an exhilarating line, thank you for sharing, my good man" -- Healthem
An Honor?
"'We are the people our parents warned us about'...Spoken by a heavily intoxicated person at a rave in the early 2000's. It took years for me to appreciate the unintended significance of this gem." -- strobie01
"Jimmy Buffett wrote an entire song with this line in the 80s. Give it a listen." -- Firstamongmonkeys
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