A lot of people think they know everything.
Not just know everything... they think they're experts on everything.
So they always have the best "advice" to give.
A lot of it is nonsense.
Listen to your gut more when something seems suspect.
Redditor DaniTheLovebug wanted to hear about the "wisdoms" people shared that were the worst possible things to say.
So they asked:
"What life hacks are actually terrible advice or dangerous?"
I do my best with bad advice. But I've taken too much.
Don't be like me.
The Winner
"Any street fight 'advice' that isn't 'it's not worth it, run away.'"
"The thing about street fights the street always wins."
Just 5
"Absolutely anything posted by 5 Minute Crafts."
"I came in here just to mention this, particularly one video-- not sure if it was by 5 Minutes Crafts or another similar channel-- that tells you to microwave an egg for a quick meal. It will explode and send you to the hospital."
"This is what I was gonna say. Those people are the worst."
The Cut
"When cutting bagels remember to put your finger through the stabilization hole."
"Took me a minute to work this one out. My eyes widened so much the person next to me in Starbucks just asked if I needed help."
"I know this is a joke, but I had to legit tell my then eight year old that she couldn’t put her hand in one of those big grinder/chipper thingys because she would not, in fact, grow a new one when it got chopped up."
A Bad Transformer
"ANYTHING AT ALL involving a microwave transformer. Woodburning, metal melting, arcs and sparks, whatever. Those little sh**s will kill you before you even know you're dying."
"I had to go to a CPR of a 33 year old who fried himself in his backyard garage using some jerry-rigged microwave welder. He had a wife and two young kids. All I could think was 'man what a STUPID way to die.'"
New York Rule #1
"Setting up candles and clay pots to heat your room instead of turning on the radiator. That's how a lot of fires start."
I'm always weary around candles.
"There was a big thing a while back about boiling water melting the ice on your Windshield. Someone else used this 'hack' for me and my Windshield cracked into a total spider web."
"That you can make your own air hockey table out of a couple dryers and some pegboard. Remember, if women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy."
"Love how I instantly thought of Red/Green 25 years after watching that episode."
"Gotta love that show. My dad played it once when I was a kid and for some reason red green making a cop cars siren a toy girl doll crying was hilarious. And that was my gateway to this show."
A Close Shave
"Using a nail file to shave the edges of your teeth to make them straighter."
"I got hit in the face with a hammer, and broke some teeth. Used this trick (well, 120grit sandpaper) to smooth off the jagged edges to tide me over until I could see a dentist. Dentist said I did a perfect job, and didn't charge me for the visit."
"It's so weird seeing people do it as a trend. I've always had people comment on the bottom of my teeth being uniform and straight, but its from years of grinding my teeth."
down your drain...
"Line your sink with foil and pour the grease and fat in that. Then when it dries an hour later, you can just roll it up and throw it away. Use an empty tin can. Line any ceramic bowl or mug with foil and use that instead. Don't make your sink unusable for at least an hour. Don't risk the foil tearing and the fat going down your drain. Use some common sense here."
A Delicate Balance
"Keeping balances on your credit cards and opening more credit lines makes your score better. I've heard this thousands of times and it's the exact opposite of what you should do."
Lesson here? Always research "advice" before you take it.