The one place you can expect joy from most any kid is Disneyland—the most magical place on earth. But even the magic can't please everybody, right?
The J Family (@jfam.ily) thought their baby would be no different, but apparently, they were very, very wrong.
In fact, in not one single photo from their day at Disneyland did their baby look like he was enjoying himself.
[tiktok_embed×tamp=1634236293&tt_from=copy&u_code=d99hbca2j8g9f2&user_id=6759004650454270982&utm_campaign=client_share&utm_medium=ios&utm_source=copy&_r=1&is_copy_url=0&is_from_webapp=v1&sender_device=pc&sender_web_id=6891312078990444038 expand=1]"People say it's a waste to take babies to Disney," she wrote. "But it was so worth it to see the magic in his eyes."
The boy's adorable grumpy expression had every TikToker rolling on the ground.
No matter what rides and experiences the child had with his parents, it appeared as though he did not enjoy one single second of it.
From riding the carousel to getting food at one of the Disney restaurants, he was just absolutely over it.
Immediately the video went viral, racking up over 1 million views and over 260,000 likes.
Most commenters said the baby looked like some version of a dad who was significantly financially concerned about his family's trip to Disneyland.
Later on, the one year old child could be seen on mom's channel again reacting quite negatively to his mom holding her new niece for the first time.
The patented pout he sports throughout all of his video appearances will hopefully contribute to some fond memories of childhood in the future.