I'm a big film buff but that doesn't mean I spend my days watching Kubrick or Lumet films exclusively. (Actually, I have a lot I could say about Kubrick and Lumet, particularly regarding my misgivings about the former, but I'll spare you.) I love a good bad movie like everyone else.
For instance, if I actually did take a count of the number of times I've sat through some of the Friday the 13th movies, I'd probably frighten all of ya'll. But I will also defend them: I would much rather sit through Friday the 13th Part V: A New Beginning over Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare (or even The Dream Child). And don't get me started on my thoughts about the ups and downs of the Halloween franchise. The sheer mess that is Halloween Resurrection cannot be denied.
People had plenty to share after Redditor alexsangthat asked the online community,
"What is your 'I don't care if it's awful, I still love it' movie?"
"...has a scene..."
"Wild Wild West has a scene where Will Smith is attacked by a henchman with knives for hands. Just as he is about to kick this henchman to his inevitable death (after hanging him, no less), Will Smith says, "That's it, no more Mr. Knife Guy."
The defense rests, your honor."
You are braver than I. Even as a kid, I couldn't tolerate it.
Also why Kenneth Branaugh?! WHY?
"It's a full-on..."
"Street Fighter is probably my benchmark for "so bad, it's good." It's a full-on charcuterie board of cheesiness and ham."
This entire movie is a hoot and a half. It's messy, it's ridiculous, and the peak of early '90s cheese.
"...is my favorite movie..."
"National Treasure is my favorite movie and it seems to be a polarizing one amongst critics and consumers alike
Unique plot, drama, romance, action, mystery, some comedic moments too! What's not to like?"
"If you were to play..."
"Battle Los Angeles.
If you were to play a drinking game of "Spot the Tired Old Cliched Movie Tropes" while watching it, you'd be hammered drunk within ten minutes and dead of alcohol poisoning by the time the movie was halfway through...but I love it!"
"I try to watch it..."
"Definitely Jingle All the Way. I try to watch it every December."
Another brave soul. I can't stand it. Was I just a humorless child? Probably.
"I'll always love..."
"Tank Girl. I'm a giant Tank Girl fan. To the point I own all the comics and have a full Tank Girl sleeve. I'll always love this movie. It's what got me interested in the first place."
"I don't care..."
"Happy Gilmore. I don't care that it's a dumb Adam Sandler comedy. It combines my two passions: hockey and golf. And it's funny to me."
Early Adam Sandler isn't bad, though not my cup of tea. He's just repulsively juvenile to me.
"I loved seeing..."
"I loved seeing Avatar in 3D in theatres. Couldn't tell you the first thing about its story anymore, it's probably just a tech demo, but it was a captivating tech demo that I haven't seen again since."
How could a movie that received 10,000,000 Academy Award nominations be so forgettable? And who even wants all those sequels that are coming our way?
"He stole the movie..."
"Masters of the Universe. Dolph Lundgren's He-Man acting is pretty terrible, but Frank Langella as Skeletor was amazing. He stole the movie and to this day he says it was one of his favorite characters he's portrayed."
"Showed my friends..."
"Little Nicky.
Loved it as a kid. Showed my friends once and they said it was awful. Still love it lol. Apart from this movie I can't really stand Adam Sandler's acting much."
If you love a film, you should wear that love for it on your sleeve. "Guilty pleasure"? What's that? Some movies, though their quality might be questionable, offer us the comfort we're looking for when we need it most.
Have some opinions of your own? Feel free to tell us about them in the comments below!
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