Sweet baby Jesus, say it isn't so! A local "artist" attempted to restore a 15th century sculpture and succeeded at turning into a DIY Pinterest fail.
This is not the first time a well meaning parishioner in Spain has destroyed a piece of religious art. First, a Jesus fresco took a beating and then a 500 year old wooden effigy was destroyed. This time it was a sculpture of the holy family. María Luisa Menéndez convinced the clergy to let her "spruce up" the sculpture, but instead of giving it a dust and polish, she PAINTED IT.
Yes, this really happened.
Photo by Dsf / AFP / Getty Images
Garish colors and scary faces.
Photo by DSF/AFP/Getty Images
Never forget.
Even if you want to.
People can't stop shaking their heads.
And then this happened.
Of course there is a solution.
Five little words to live by.
H/T: Mashable, Guardian