There's something the internet has been known for since its inception.
Cat content.
Yes, there's that other thing too, but this isn't that kind of article.
From the earliest days of the world-wide web, cat videos, memes, photos and websites have spawned so much content that even the craziest cat lady most dedicated feline enthusiast couldn't consume it all.
But the internet is also great for another distinct brand of content.
Still not talking about that other thing that launched streaming and tanked an entire home video production industry. Seriously, this isn't that kind of article.
We're talking about personal drama.
Whether it's people airing their dirty laundry on social media or petty squabbles on neighborhood apps, there's plenty of drama for public consumption. And we love it.
That's why one of the most popular subReddits is AITA or "Am I The A**hole."
AITA allows people to anonymously confess their transgressions and ask for moral judgment from complete strangers.
Now what if we could combine those two internet obsessions?
Twitterdenizen Elle Em did just that when they posted an unusual request on the platform. United States expat Elle—who according to their bio created an accidental cat refuge in Spain—asked folks to brighten their bad day with AITA style scenarios written from the perspective of cats complete with photos.
Hi I am having a bad day please reply to this tweet with an AITA written from the perspective of your cat and also include a photo of said cat I would appreciate this very much— Elle Em (@Elle Em) 1647523057
Elle Em asked and the internet answered.
AITA has it's own style and acronyms.
People add their stories and identify their vital stats with their age and gender, like so:
"I (14M) went..."
14M means the person—or cat—is a 14-year-old male.
People weigh in on whether the poster is the a**hole by using one of four acronyms:
- NTA - Not The A**hole
- YTA - You're The A**hole
- NAH - No A**holes Here
- ESH - Everyone Sucks Here
Some people also used the catspeak—poor spelling and grammar—made famous on the meme websiteI CAN HAZ CHEEZBURGER to share their cats' indiscretions.
It began with some of Elle's own fuzzy feline friends.
Elle confessed she takes care of cats that are both NTA and YTA.
Am Leafeon (4f)
— Elle Em (@ellle_em) March 17, 2022
Am like 2 play with other cats. Humam am say "chasing other cats and biting them is not playing!!" but is very much playing AITA
Am Larvitar (2M) am like to pet humam with claws AITA
— Elle Em (@ellle_em) March 17, 2022
Am Psyduck (3M) am went 2 office party had maybe too much catnip am get home very late AITA
— Elle Em (@ellle_em) March 17, 2022
I am Piplup I yell at the vet because vet is bad AITA
— Elle Em (@ellle_em) March 17, 2022
Others joined in, sharing their cats' crimes.
The humans probably thought their cats earned a YTA.
AITA that I bit my shy friend when she didn’t let me sleep on her face?
— Marie Donn (@Marie_Donn) March 17, 2022
AITA for taking advantage of my mum's spring cleaning to sneak out onto the roof and refuse to come back until it started raining?
— LexyNeedham (@LexyNeedham) March 17, 2022
I (3F) warn my human (35F) nightly that I have Done A Doodie by scratching my litter box for up to 5 minutes so she’s knows exactly what that stinky smell is. I try to be courteous and only poop while she’s sleeping (ideally 5am) but she says I’m interrupting her sleep. AITA?
— sarah (@sarahgundle) March 17, 2022
Cats have no concept of personal space.
I [11M] was starving so i sat on the human's head while they were in bed. Why were they shocked, they know and knew I'm always like this.
— dammit, Janice (@andytuba) March 17, 2022
When mom gets busy with workz, I put my butthole on her ear so she can hear the ocean.
— WrathofKuntar (@archiveslut) March 17, 2022
Or respect for other people's property.
I try and spill my mom's coffee EVERY DAY because I think it's funny, AITA?
— Dr Anthrodiva (@anthrodiva) March 17, 2022
But humans don't understand feline dietary needs.
The cats are pretty sure they deserve a NTA vote.
If my mom is the slightest bit late cleaning the litter box I will poop out a single solitary turd in the middle of the hallway to express my displeasure. I will also try to eat anything you leave unattended for even three seconds and my favorite food is phone chargers. AITA?
— Kitty. (@kitty_ell) March 17, 2022
— Amanda (@literaryweapnry) March 17, 2022
I (2M) like to eat hair ties as a tasty snack and then barf them up all over the house. My roommate (24F) say they’re not food and I shouldn’t eat them, but they’re so chewy!! AITA?
— krista lauren 🍰🍮🍪 (@romanathethird) March 17, 2022
Apparently humans make horrible roommates.
AITA for waking you up at four in the morning for no reason? You wake me up in the middle of one of my two thousand naps all the time, I wanted to return the favor to make sure you’re awake.
— Patrick Tumblety (@peak37pt) March 17, 2022
My human (29F) doesn’t like it when I (5M) scratch her. I don’t get it. I love scratches. Particularly between the hours of 3 & 5am. I try to scratch her to let her know I’d like some but she doesn’t seem very happy about it?? Scratches are the best, she’s missing out! AITA?
— Lexie (@7exie) March 17, 2022
I (4M) accompanied my sick mother (36F) outside for our evening constitutional. When she inconsiderately ended it prematurely due to rain, I gave her a small (okay, moderate) nip, and regurgitated half a lizard onto her book. She overreacted, obviously. But now I wonder, AITA?
— Kay Ellemme (@coffee_cat_girl) March 17, 2022
Humans are so fragile!
I (2M) did zoomies right under my mum’s feet while she was walking (I’m posting from my aunt’s account), tripped her up and it broke her big toe. But I’m cute tho, see kitten pic of me with my bro. AITA?
— swooping is bad (@HollieTheNerd) March 17, 2022
AITA for jumping on human’s desk to insist on lovely fusses and then suddenly switching to attack mode and making her bleed on her notes? I’m sure the answer is no as human needs the training to get faster reflexes! 🤣😭
— Sarah 🇺🇦💙💛 (@swashford) March 17, 2022
And don't know how to share!
I (3) stole the heating pad of my roomate (33). They are recovering from surgery but it was warm and I was sleepy. AITA?
— Mar Romasco-Moore (@MarRomasco) March 17, 2022
I (3f) really like lying on warm pizza boxes, but my human (34m) tries to get the warm pizza from the box which disturbs my throne. Sometimes I give him stabs to make him stop. AITA?
— Dai (@banalitybob) March 17, 2022
And "Zoom" is what cats do at 4am, not talking to a picture box.
I (2.5M) found this paper bag in a place I wasn’t supposed to be and somehow got stuck in it and ran around the house like an insane banshee, knocking shit over and interrupting a zoom call. My mom (36F) says I have plenty of bags with the handles cut off. AITA?
— Lauren (@worldisaleaf) March 17, 2022
I (14F) just wanted to limit my roommate's (38F) screen time, and she told me she actually needed to see the meeting she was in. That can't be healthy. AITA?
— Maja Bäckvall (@SkrivaFel) March 17, 2022
But then, there are instances where ESH.
A foot in the mouth to wake you up is not great.
— Amelia Mavis Christnot (@AChristnot) March 19, 2022
But does it justify this?
Oh, the humanity!
— Amelia Mavis Christnot (@AChristnot) March 19, 2022
You can learn more about Elle Em's cats and help out by visiting their link here.
You can also follow them on Twitter to see their latest cat happenings.
— Elle Em (@ellle_em) September 8, 2021
Hi! I'm Elle! I rescue cats! Like, a whole bunch of cats! I live in Spain and kiiiinda accidentally started an unofficial cat sanctuary! Here are a bunch of ways to help!
Housecats have the distinction of being the only pet researchers and scientists determined domesticated itself.
While early humans trapped and kept canines as companions, cats saw free food and shelter and moved themselves in.
No wonder cats—unlike dogs—regard humans more as roomates with useful opposable thumbs rather than lord and master.
If you enjoy pondering a good moral dilemma, you can check out Percolately's curated content for more AITA drama.