Whoops! I didn't know THAT was going to happen.
Surprising when your heart starts pumping and you get a little hot and bothered and you aren't even doing anything close to THAT....but oops. Here you are.
What are the weird ways it's happened to you?
u/anadventurousguy asked:
What did a friend of yours do that turned you on without them knowing it?
Here were some of the answers.
Up To The Highest Height
Went to visit a group of friends after I had moved to another town 3 hours away. One guy friend (I'm F) got this giddy look, ran, jumped over a railing in some crazy smooth pro-athlete style, and enveloped me in this huge bear hug. Was not expecting that and whoah felt things for him I had never before.
A college housemate was on the couch next to me as we watched TV one night. She mentioned a concert that was coming up and asked if I was down to go, I wasn't too keen so I turned and have her a blank stare.
She held my gaze and moved her eyebrows up and down twice quickly.
The effect was devastating.
I don't know if it counts as 'turned on' or a moment of deep infatuation, but I still think about those eyebrows
Was friends with a high school crush. We had a class together and would occasionally have chill days. I was sitting in front of her and turned my desk 90° so I could comfortably talk to her. She then picked her legs up and put them across mine.
15 years ago my friend at uni invited some of us over to watch him play Resident Evil 4 that had just been released on the GameCube and later watch a film.
Knocked on his door, he answered. He had picked up his new glasses and had a haircut when he picked up the game in town. Something about his new look stirred something inside me.
Started dating 4 years later and we're getting married next year.
Leggy Ideas
She was meant to go out but ended up sitting with me chatting. She was all dressed up and because of the way she was sitting her dress kept sliding up her thigh. She fixed it twice but stopped trying (her thigh wasn't totally exposed but a bit more was showing off).
That's how I realised I have a thing for legs.
Look Shock
I have an attractive female friend who I was visiting. We were sitting in her kitchen and she got up to get a Coke from her refrigerator. She was wearing short shorts and as she bent over to get the soda she asked me if I wanted anything. It took me a few seconds but I managed to say no. I lied.
Chills From Beyond
I was sitting and focused on my work in front of me, and she came up behind me and ran her hand across the top of my head, and I wouldn't say it turned me on, but it was an instant sensation over my entire scalp and down my spine, and my neck stopped supporting my head for a moment.
The restaurant I used to work at had a vacuum we could use that was shaped as a big red box that you could strap to your back like a backpack. It definitely looked straight out of ghostbusters.
My very cute coworker was using it and when I jokingly asked if she was having fun she responded with "who ya gonna call?" <wink>
This was almost ten years ago
Lazy Sleepy Love
Ahhh I remember back in high school I had this crush on my friend and he came over for some reason or another. As soon as he entered my room he kind of just flopped himself back to lay down on my bed and stretched out lazily. I went bright red and couldn't focus on anything. Eugh, it's been a long time since I've felt that way about anyone.
I Missed The Entire Second Half
A friend of mine asked me to hang out with her in her dorm room. We were planning on watching a movie, but at the same time she said she was going to do some laundry. I told her I had no issue helping her with, i.e. carrying the actual laundry bag. I knew she was kind of taking advantage of me, but she also made killer nachos, so it seemed like a fair trade.
When I got there she was essentially wearing sleepwear. A tank top half shirt and very tight red running shorts. It was very difficult to pay attention to movie.
Careless Whisper...
No matter the person, anyone whispering in my ear turns me on. It doesn't even matter what they say haha. SaraSmile416
Just a Bit.
I was wrestling with a girl (not "fake" wrestling, both of us were actually trying to win and we were in a ring) who I wasn't really interested in. When she had me in a hold that I wasn't able to get out of I got a small chub. aegroti
She bit me in the face. Softly. BigTastyBacon2
Biting is like kissing but with a winner. ThePottamus
I Love You.
One of my friends once said, as she looked at herself in the mirror, "Damn, I'd sex myself." Really turned me on for some reason. Rowan_Oathsworn21
Goodbye Horses starts playing. Ncrawler65
I was wearing a jacket that was unzipped. She put her arms inside my jacket to hug me goodbye. Felt weird for some reason, even though it was outside the shirt I was wearing. ImperialArmorBrigade
That's super personal space. That's what made it so... erotic... Jasole37
More than 30 Seconds....
Long, affectionate hugs. An attractive female friend of mine gave me a hug that lasted around 30 seconds and she was squeezing me the entire time.
Halfway into the hug, I popped an unexpected erection that I'm pretty sure poked her thigh. I don't think she noticed, and if she did, she never said anything about it. dailydonuts16
I'm so Tipsy....
Once a friend saved my tipsy butt from being flattened by an oncoming vehicle, he wrapped one arm around my waist and pulled me backwards into him... I don't know if it was the unexpected physical contact or the alcohol or what but I could NOT stop thinking about my weird new inappropriate crush for weeks after. ShinyFabulous
By the Touch....
It's a little embarrassing but I had a work friend who laughed as she grabbed my arm after I told her a joke. coffeeNiK
The physical touch combined with emotion. anadventurousguy
Jump! For my Love!
She got startled and jumped onto me.
Not like full on she was in my arms, but we were standing next to each other, something went bang, and she just turned and grabbed me.
Instant erection. thedankbank1021
All Hands on Me.
So it was the day after this huge natural disaster happened (major news story in the US in August 2017) and the government agency I work for was like, "all hands on deck," so every civil engineer was assigned to relief and recovery efforts, including me. The guy who sat next to me at work was your typical nerdy engineer, but dressed nicer...
...then as I was waiting outside to be sent to the field, I saw him getting out of a truck wearing dirty jeans, steel toe boots, and carrying his hard hat, looking all sweaty and dirty and delicious.
He's my boyfriend now. tacosandrose