Toilet paper may be in high demand as much of the population is in self-isolation to help flatten the curve during the pandemic.
But the precious commodity is not tops on everybody's priority list.
Some people are running desperately low on more important essentials.
For 93-year-old Olive Veronesi from Pennsylvania, it's beer. And she has no problem asking for more brewski to help ease her pandemic woes while she and her daughter are staying home.
A relative took this photo of Veronesi from the window of her Seminole home holding a can of Coors Light and a dry-erase board that read:
"I need more beer."
The humorous photo that was shared on CBS News' Facebook page resonated with people all around the world and racked up over 48K likes.
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Facebook users like Michele Bobko wanted to ensure Veronesi gets her beer.
"How can we get this lady's address?!? We need to help this lady out!"
Patricia Halligan said:
"I love it! Would someone go out and get her a case of Coors Light! God Bless her."
Jason Mottillo wrote:
"She is my spirit animal."
You can watch the CBS News report on Veronesi here.
Woman Goes Viral With Message While Staying Home During Coronavirus
Facebook users continued pouring on some love for Veronesi and her age-defying looks.
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Beer endorsement doesn't get any better than this. Are you watching Coors?
This Enamel Coffee Mug is available here to fill with the beverage of your choice.