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Bigots Dragged After Melting Down Over Ikea's Rainbow Cake Supporting LGBTQ+ Charity

The retailer's official UK account shared a photo on Instagram of their rainbow Pride cake, with proceeds going to the LGBT+ Switchboard helpline—and conservatives aren't happy about it.

Ikea sign; rainbow cake
Brandon Bell/Getty Images; Mike Kemp/In PIctures via Getty Images

In celebration of Pride Month, IKEA brought back their rainbow cake, and bigots everywhere are losing their minds.

But worry not, they were put in their rightful places.

The retailer's official UK account made the announcement via Instagram last week, sharing with fans that the proceeds would go directly to LGBT+ Switchboard, the second-oldest UK national LGBTQIA+ support line. The line is completely free and available from 10am-10pm for people in the UK.

IKEA shared the news, writing in the caption accompanying a snap of the cake:

"Celebrate Pride with our delicious rainbow cake!"
"🎂🌈100% of profits will be donated to Switchboard LGBT+ Helpline, supporting their vital work for the LGBTQ+ community."

As they typically do with posts promoting safety and advocacy for the LGBTQ+ community, conservative bigots revealed themselves in the comments, spewing their small-minded vitriol and believing they were making a powerful statement.

One user wrote:

"Ikea, Can we please see the cake for the straight community too?"
"Why do we not have 'straight month?' Or are you taking part in discrimination?"
"If sexual preference must be celebrated then heterosexuality should have a month too and a flag and a cake."
"What kind of agenda are you really participating in? That's what I want to know. Sheep."


It's giving Proud Boys during Black History Month, no?

Others shared their disgust, as well, claiming to boycott/unfollow/block the company in protest.

Of course, we've heard that before... *cough* Bud Light, Jack Daniels, Target *cough.*








Thankfully, those bigots were soon called out for their childish behavior.






Many also took the opportunity to thank IKEA for their continued advocacy.






Some also wondered why conservatives were suddenly shocked over IKEA's support, given the company's decades-long allyship.


In 1994, IKEA aired one of the first commercials featuring a same-sex couple, definitely a trailblazer among major corporations.

Since then, the company has continued to rally behind the community by adopting and flying the Pride Progress flag, bringing back the rainbow FRAKTA bag for a limited time, and incorporating education and awareness into their company training model.

Well done, IKEA. Well done.